“The only true and effective “operator’s manual for Spaceship Earth” is not a book that any human will ever write; it is hundreds of thousands of local cultures.”
— Wendell Berry
Why subscribe?
Greetings Earthling - thanks for visiting.
We live on a life-giving rock called Earth hurtling through space.
Like a spaceship we have a finite amount of supplies,
With an intelligent operating system (OS) called nature,
Which keeps everything replenished,
As long as we all respect and participate wisely.
Right now our dominant ways of thinking, perceiving, relating and organising that have shaped the globalised systems of modernity are incompatible with the OS on the Spaceship.
We’re witnessing the great unravelling, climate and ecological breakdown, massive inequalities, pollution, violence, war, disinformation and suffering everywhere.
We root our podcast episodes, writing and community offerings which live on this substack in this context, in this moment in time we're living through - listening, noticing, exploring, dreaming and acting honestly from here.
We consider two main stories onboard Spaceship Earth
One: The Passenger story
The dominant story today is a PASSENGER story, a passive story of more, about individuals, consumers, nation states and separate selves.
A story of extraction, transaction and distraction - it’s dividing us and destroying life, leading to collapse.
Two: The Crew story
An emerging ‘CREW’ story, an active story of community, human and more than human.
A story of connection, co-operation and participation - leading towards regeneration.
Becoming Crew
We seek to uphold the crew story, through the podcast conversations, writing, community offerings and our (un)learning adventures, rooted in practice-driven change.
Becoming Crew is ongoing evolutionary becoming , where we recognise ourselves as active participants in co-creating regenerative futures and life-centric cultures.
Where the changes we long to see in the world live through us, through ongoing practices of action, reflection and experimentation.
In service to life on Spaceship Earth.
In the podcast we’re in conversation with human crew, participating in regenerating life, bringing life back.
Shifting consciousness and re-imagining how we can live more beautifully and peacefully.
We talk with artists, writers, activists, designers, adventurers, healers, farmers, creative mavericks and more.
Their stories invite us to participate in the co-creation of life-sustaining communities and cultures.
In service to life.
Becoming crew on Spaceship Earth.
Listeners tell us they find hope in our conversations.
We try to host voices who are actively becoming the changes they seek, practicing the world they long for through their actions, platforms, ideas and ways of being. Not just talking about them.
We began the podcast in 2018 and in 2022 we were shortlisted in the British Podcast Awards and in 2023 were named in Outrage & Optimism’s Top 10 podcasts.
We have released 100 episodes so far, nearly 80 long form as well as various music mixes, poems, stories and a mini series with listener contributions created during the pandemic - ‘Reflections from the Great Pause’.
Today we seek listener support
To date we have offered all of this in the spirit of the gift, self funded but now in 2024 are seeking listener support to help us cover some of the costs of a small team creating, hosting and producing the podcast and community platform.
We will release episodes twice a month which you will get to your inbox and can listen on any podcast platform of your choice.
The podcasts will remain free to listen for non paying subscribers, but we hope that listeners who are in a position financially to support the podcast will.
If you value what we do, for the price of one pint of beer/ or a couple of takeaway coffees a month you can join the crew and help this happen.
We’re living in extraordinary times and that is only going to get more so.
We need alternative media, exploring differnt ways of making sense of what is happening, new ways of thinking, relating, responding and organising beyond the limiting binary mainstream narratives.
Spaces for nuance, humility, imagination, connection and not knowing. This podcast is one of those spaces.
Over time the podcast has catalysed and birthed new offerings, which you will get via subscribing and which you can read below.
We write about every episode we release, and write regularly about reflections and learnings from our ongoing work and practice, updates on community offerings and gatherings.
We also curate a monthly newsletter - Creative inspiration in service to life.
Currently the writing is from
and fellow Becoming Crew guides and co-creators and .COMMUNITY OFFERINGS
In 2021 we began offering peer supported (un)learning journeys for our listener community through Becoming Crew.
These are spaces for creatives, community activists and regenerative change makers to (un)learn in community, and cultivate their creative courage to participate more fully in these times through action inquiry and deeper relationship with nature, the more than human world.
We have also started to invite podcast guests into these journeys
Currently we offer programs, courses and events from a couple of hours, 5 weeks to 6 months as well as bespoke experiences for organisations.
Youth Gatherings (18-25 yrs)
Everyone who participates in a Becoming Crew experience is invited to join our ongoing practice community which convenes 8 times a year online, through land gatherings and ongoing via Whatsapp.
Be part of a growing community of practice driven change in service to life on Earth.
We are grateful for your support and would love to hear from you.
More about Me
Since 2018 I’ve been recording and hosting The Spaceship Earth Podcast - having deep conversations with humans working at the leading edges of creative activism and regenerative change.
I’m also the source and co-creator of the Becoming Crew (un)learning collective, community of practice and ecosystem of humans participating in co-creating more beautiful emerging futures.
My work today is grounded in an entanglement of story, culture, community, climate and nature - cultivating regenerative and participatory cultures and communities, facilitating creative activism and mobilising climate action, encouraging and supporting a deepening of our relationship with the more than human world and creative experimentation in unravelling times - creativity in service to life.
If you’re curious about my journey or interested in working with me, go here for more.