This is episode 3 of a 3 episode series from Dream Space hosted via The SpaceShip Earth podcast. “There has been a shift globally in the way in which racial disparities are spoken about. This is no longer a conversation happening ‘off the record’ for fear of backlash, this is a conversation happening out in the open. I truly believe that having conversations, listening to stories, and recognizing the experiences of members of our community creates space for healing, growth, and change. Hopefully, this episode will be an opportunity for you to learn something or confront an uncomfortable topic or maybe this episode will allow you to realize you’re not alone if you have also experienced racism in Bath.” Ruqia Osman is an Anti-Racism activist and Dream Space crew member, and hosts this episode ‘Life in Bath and experiences of racism,’ bringing together some of the powerful and moving personal stories shared with Dream Space in Autumn/Winter 2020. Through poetry, spoken word, reflections and ramblings, these stories give us a unique insight into what it’s like to experience racism in the city, the challenges but also opportunities for change, and how together, we can create a kinder and more inclusive Bath. Stories shared in October 2020, and podcast episode recorded in February 2021 - Listen to this selection of stories and discover: The different forms racism can take, from direct abuse to microaggressions, and how these impact people’s lives in the city every day The positive change happening in Bath to address racism Why now is the time to address the culture of whiteness How allies can become actively anti-racist How, we as a community, can create a more inclusive Bath Links: The Dream Space Website: The Dream Space exhibition: featuring a series of short films, podcast episodes and stories gallery and all of the stories shared with Dream Space, which revealed the lived experiences of the pandemic, racism and the climate & ecological crisis in Bath. Thanks for listening to The Dream Space Bath podcast Host: Ruqia Osman @itsruqiaa (instagram) @ruqiaOsm (twitter) Edit: Charlie Shread Shownotes: Bex Fox Join us on Instagram: @the_dream_space #DreamSpace Bath Dream Space is a collaboration with Good for Nothing and Wild Labs supported by the Emerging Futures fund from the National Lottery Organisations / Resources mentioned Bath Against Racism - (organisers of the Blacks Lives Matter peaceful protest) Black Families Education Support Group - Privilege Cafe - University of Bath Amnesty Society - Good for Nothing - Wild Labs -
We live on a life giving rock called Earth hurtling through space.
Like a spaceship, we have a finite amount of supplies with an intelligent operating system, called nature, which keeps everything replenished as long as we all respect and participate wisely.
In this podcast I’m in conversations with humans involved in regenerating life,
Shifting consciousness and re-imagining how we can live more beautifully and peacefully.
I talk with artists, writers, activists, designers, adventurers, healers, farmers, creative mavericks and more.
Their stories invite us to participate in the co-creation of life sustaining cultures.
In service to life.
Becoming crew on Spaceship Earth.
We live on a life giving rock called Earth hurtling through space.
Like a spaceship, we have a finite amount of supplies with an intelligent operating system, called nature, which keeps everything replenished as long as we all respect and participate wisely.
In this podcast I’m in conversations with humans involved in regenerating life,
Shifting consciousness and re-imagining how we can live more beautifully and peacefully.
I talk with artists, writers, activists, designers, adventurers, healers, farmers, creative mavericks and more.
Their stories invite us to participate in the co-creation of life sustaining cultures.
In service to life.
Becoming crew on Spaceship Earth.
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