Becoming Crew
Dream Space - Life in Bath in the pandemic

Dream Space - Life in Bath in the pandemic

This is episode 1 of a 3 episode series from Dream Space hosted via The SpaceShip Earth podcast. “The pandemic has touched every single person in our city, but although we’re in the same storm, we’re all in very different boats. Life in Bath has changed forever. So, with the UK Government's big reveal of the roadmap onto the other side of the pandemic, I feel its increasingly important to take some time to reflect on what we’ve been through, to understand the things within Bath that absolutely have to change as and when we go forward, and explore the possibility of creating a brighter, kinder and more compassionate future here.” Bex Fox is a Bath resident and member of the Dream Space crew, and hosts this episode ‘Life in Bath and the Pandemic,’ bringing together some of the incredibly powerful and moving personal stories shared with Dream Space in Autumn/Winter 2020. Through spoken word, poetry, songs, reflections and ramblings, these stories give us a unique insight into how Covid-19 has changed life in the city we call home, and encourage us all to imagine what life could be like in Bath in the future. Stories shared in November 2020, and podcast recorded in February 2021 - Listen to this selection of stories and discover: Bath citizens’ reflections and observations - what changed, the challenges, and the good that emerged How people managed, in their own ways, to cope - from music, poetry, wild swimming, to gifting time How the landscape in Bath has changed - from independent businesses, the arts scene, to sustainability in the city The beautiful spirit of the Bath community - initiatives that popped up to help those most in need The opportunities for positive change, the desire for connection and collaboration Links: The Dream Space Website: The Dream Space exhibition: featuring a series of short films, podcast episodes and stories gallery and all of the stories shared with Dream Space, which revealed the lived experiences of the pandemic, racism and the climate & ecological crisis in Bath. Thanks for listening to The Dream Space Bath podcast Host: Bex Fox @bexbexfoxfox (twitter + instagram) Edit: Charlie Shread Shownotes: Bex Fox Join us on Instagram: @the_dream_space #DreamSpaceBath Dream Space is a collaboration with Good for Nothing and Wild Labs supported by the Emerging Futures fund from the National Lottery Organisations / Resources mentioned BA1 Radio - Bath & North East Somerset 3rd Sector Group - Compassionate Community Hub - Bath Open Water Beauts - Foldall - (please note this project has now completed its mission and is closed) I Am We Are - Jamie Colston (the host of our Dream Space Pandemic gathering) Theatre Bath - Good for Nothing -

Becoming Crew
We live on a life giving rock called Earth hurtling through space.
Like a spaceship, we have a finite amount of supplies with an intelligent operating system, called nature, which keeps everything replenished as long as we all respect and participate wisely.
In this podcast I’m in conversations with humans involved in regenerating life,
Shifting consciousness and re-imagining how we can live more beautifully and peacefully.
I talk with artists, writers, activists, designers, adventurers, healers, farmers, creative mavericks and more.
Their stories invite us to participate in the co-creation of life sustaining cultures.
In service to life.
Becoming crew on Spaceship Earth.