In this episode I head to Bristol with my son to join the Schools Climate Action strike - Fridays for Future and chat to students to gets a sense of why they're striking and what they hope to achieve. This is experimental, noisey and insightful! Enjoy! Show notes

We live on a life giving rock called Earth hurtling through space.
Like a spaceship, we have a finite amount of supplies with an intelligent operating system, called nature, which keeps everything replenished as long as we all respect and participate wisely.
In this podcast I’m in conversations with humans involved in regenerating life,
Shifting consciousness and re-imagining how we can live more beautifully and peacefully.
I talk with artists, writers, activists, designers, adventurers, healers, farmers, creative mavericks and more.
Their stories invite us to participate in the co-creation of life sustaining cultures.
In service to life.
Becoming crew on Spaceship Earth.
We live on a life giving rock called Earth hurtling through space.
Like a spaceship, we have a finite amount of supplies with an intelligent operating system, called nature, which keeps everything replenished as long as we all respect and participate wisely.
In this podcast I’m in conversations with humans involved in regenerating life,
Shifting consciousness and re-imagining how we can live more beautifully and peacefully.
I talk with artists, writers, activists, designers, adventurers, healers, farmers, creative mavericks and more.
Their stories invite us to participate in the co-creation of life sustaining cultures.
In service to life.
Becoming crew on Spaceship Earth.
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